The Crusader Parent Association (CPA)

Welcome to the Crusader Parent Association page! The CPA is a group of dedicated parents and guardians who help organize and run community events, fundraisers and other all-school activities. The CPA has organized events such as a coat drive, and the annual NCCS Chili Cook-Off, among many others. CPA members are an active, positive voice within our school and local community, who share the vision of NCCS and are determined to see NCCS flourish.

Become a Member
The CPA is always open to new members, and would be pleased to have you join our group.
Our group has monthly meetings which take place on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 pm. Smaller committees may meet at other times throughout the month, as is determined by the members of those committees.
For more information about joining the CPA, please call our main office at 314-972-6227, or email Dr. Clark at