First grade classes

It's time for our annual NCCS Legacy Giving Campaign!

For the last several years, our Legacy Giving Campaigns have helped to fund our need-based tuition assistance program and to fund other facility and program improvements. In recent years, we have provided approximately $300,000.00 each year in tuition assistance to qualifying families. It is our goal to fund this program through donor support, but we have not reached this goal just yet. Also, this year, due to a series of unforeseen circumstances, we have had additional facility expenses above our annual budget. While portions of these expenses have been or will be covered by insurance, other portions equalling $100,000.00 or more have not been.

Your donation will help us to fully fund our tuition assistance program, making it possible for more students to access an excellent private, Christian education, and allow us to make the necessary improvements to our campus for our students and staff.

Please click the link below to support NCCS and our students through your generosity.

"And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." Hebrews 13:16 (NIV)

We know the Lord is faithful and we thank you for your support through giving and prayer! To God be all the glory!!